Ákos Makács

iOS Application Engineer | Data Science MSc Student | Amsterdam-NL

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Hi There!

I'm a dedicated and versatile software engineer with a passion for technology and innovation. My journey is a testament to a continuous quest for knowledge and the fusion of diverse fields to drive forward-thinking solutions. With six years of professional experience, primarily in iOS software development, I'm currently enriching my expertise of information sciences by pursuing a master's degree in Data Science at the University of Amsterdam.

A Unique Academic Foundation:

My academic journey began with a bachelor's degree in Molecular Bionic Engineering, a field where biology meets advanced technology, focusing on understanding the complexities of biological systems and employing this knowledge to solve engineering challenges. My thesis, "Preprocessing medical images with deep learning for deep learning," allowed me to delve deep into the intersection of computer science and biology, exploring how advanced algorithms can significantly enhance medical diagnostics and treatments. This experience laid a solid foundation in programming and computational thinking, while also broadening my perspective on the potential of technology to make meaningful contributions to healthcare and beyond.

Transitioning from the nuanced realm of molecular bionics to the dynamic world of iOS application development, and now to data science, my career trajectory might seem unconventional. Yet, it is this blend of biology, engineering, and computer science that has uniquely positioned me to approach problems from a holistic perspective, driving innovation at the intersection of these disciplines.

Current Scholarly Pursuit:

Currently, I am working on my master's thesis titled "Enhancing Object Detection in Images through Hyperbolic Space Representations." This research is aimed at pushing the boundaries of conventional object detection techniques by exploring the application of hyperbolic geometry to improve accuracy and efficiency in image processing. It reflects not only my deep interest in advanced data science methodologies but also my commitment to contributing to cutting-edge research that has the potential to revolutionize how we interpret and interact with digital information.

Professional Expertise and Methodologies:

Throughout my six years as an iOS software engineer, I've been instrumental in developing impactful applications across various industries, including FinTech, food and beverage, and digital imaging. My role involved not only crafting user-centric solutions but also integrating advanced AI technologies that revolutionized our approach to app development. This blend of creativity and technical proficiency has enabled me to deliver projects that resonate with millions worldwide.

My expertise encompasses a wide array of technologies and methodologies:

  • Programming Languages & Frameworks: I have a solid foundation in Swift, Python, and C++, enriched by my deep dive into iOS development environments and machine learning, focusing on computer vision.
  • Web Development & E-commerce: My exploratory journey into web development led me to successfully integrate an online payment system into an e-commerce platform, showcasing my adaptability and technical proficiency beyond my primary domain.
  • Principles and Methodologies: I advocate for Agile methodologies, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), ensuring high-quality, user-focused outcomes. My development philosophy is further guided by the SOLID and the Clean-Code principles, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), reflecting my comprehensive approach to software engineering.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Implementing CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins and GitHub Actions to automate testing and deployment, I ensure that software quality is maintained throughout the development lifecycle.
  • Version Control: Proficiency in Git is one of my strong suits. I consider the disciplined use of Git to be crucial for professional-level software development, enabling effective collaboration and change management.

Innovative Projects and Continuous Learning:

Beyond my professional endeavors, as an IoT enthusiast, I engage in creating smart home gadgets from scratch, fusing hardware engineering with software development. These passion projects underscore my passion for hands-on technology and my belief in innovation's power to enhance daily life.

Looking Forward:

As I navigate through my data science studies, I am eager to blend my software engineering background with my growing expertise in data analysis and machine learning. I aim to contribute innovative and impactful solutions to the tech community, fueled by a unique combination of professional experiences, academic achievements, and a perpetual drive for learning and improvement.

I am excited about the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and organizations at the forefront of technology and innovation. Let's explore how we can collaborate to create groundbreaking solutions.